
The $70,000 Question

Asking the right questions can make all the difference in plan administration. Learn More >

Leading Questions to Discover Sales Opportunities

A list of questions to ask a plan sponsor to open the door for a discussion about retirement plan services. Learn More >

Discretionary vs. Directed Trustee

The amount of fiduciary liability of a plan trustee depends upon how much discretion the trustee has over the management of the plan’s assets. Learn More >

Deadlines to Correct for Failed ADP and ACP Testing

What happens if the Plan does not distribute corrective distributions for failed ADP or ACP tests by the 2 ½ month deadline? Learn More >

Safeguarding Your Plan from Fraud

The IRS reviews Forms 5500 where plan sponsors have reported losses due to fraud or dishonesty. Learn More >

Tax Credit for Small Business Retirement Plan

A $500 tax credit is available for each of the first 3 years of a new plan that is established by a small business. Learn More >

New Compliance Questions on Form 5500 Filing

The IRS will be asking new compliance questions on Forms 5500 and 5500-SF. Learn More >

What Does it Take to be a Non-ERISA 403(b) Plan?

In order to keep a retirement plan exempt from ERISA, 403(b) plan sponsors must be careful not to exercise any discretionary authority over the plan. Learn More >

New Form 5500 Reporting Requirements for MEPs

Multiple Employer Plans now have to include an attachment to the Form 5500 to list all participating employers. Learn More >

Managing a Plan Vendor Change

What to expect when moving the retirement plan assets and records to a new recordkeeper. Learn More >

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