
Increases in Penalty Amounts for Plan Violations

Congress passed the 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act to ensure federal agencies comply with the requirement to adjust penalties each year for inflation. Learn More >

Correct Common Hardship Distribution Errors

The IRS addresses three common errors associated with Hardship Distributions. Learn More >

IRS Topics - Hardship Distributions

An overview of Hardship Distributions by the IRS. Learn More >

Keep Participants from Becoming Lost!

Strategies to consider to avoid lost participants in your plan. Learn More >

Shifting Davis-Bacon Dollars into a Qualified Plan

There are advantages to employers and employees of paying the prevailing wage fringe benefit into a retirement plan, rather than paying it in cash to the employee. Learn More >

2015 Benchmark Survey Highlights Plan Trends

Results from a recent survey of nearly 400 plan sponsors provide insight into how plans are being administered and what features employers are using to encourage participation. Learn More >

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation plans benefit specific key employees with more flexible design options than qualified plans. There are advantages and disadvantages to these arrangements. Learn More >

QDIAs under the Pension Protection Act

Qualified default investments can help relieve plan fiduciaries of liability for investing plan assets of employees who don’t make an election. Learn More >

New Tax Filing Deadlines

A new Act recently signed into law modifies the tax filing deadline for certain business tax returns and the Form 5500. Learn More >

Bond Initiative

Employers whose plans are insufficiently bonded may receive a citation from the DOL. Learn More >

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